We started off the day by taking Colton back to the doctor for his weekly weigh-in (Josh says its his training to be a MMA fighter in his later life, getting used to all these weigh ins). He had gained half a pound...back up to 7 pounds, 7 ounces, which the doctor said was good progress for a week. With him still not up to his birth weight, though, Colton gets to go back to the doctor next Monday again! Honestly, it has been kind of nice to see her weekly and hear that everything looks fantastic, especially his frog legs that are slowly stretching out...Dr. Downing is even convinced that in a couple weeks no one will ever know he was a breach baby!
After our doctor's visit, reality set in as Josh headed back to work and Michelle began her next chapter at home with the boys. The weather in Virginia Beach was irresistable, so Michelle laid out with grandma (leaning towards Mimi by the way) while Colton slept on the screened porch (don't worry...we had the fans going too), and Chipper played in his yard. The big outing of the day was to the grocery store to get some healthy snacks. After grandma left, Michelle and the boys headed out on their first walk together. We managed to make it around the neighborhood for about 20 minutes, but then returned home to wait for Josh to greet us. Overall, I must admit I am pretty good at this stay at home mom thing:)
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