Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 19

Colton, Michelle, and Chipper are settling into quite the routine...wake up, eat, walk, eat, run errands, eat, relax around the house, eat again, wait for Josh to get home. On today's agenda was hitting the One Hour office...Michelle had some papers to fax and Colton is always a big hit there, especially with his Papa (I have been informed that he does not want to be called Grandpa and is leaning towards Papa, so we will go with that until further notice). After leaving the office, Colton and Michelle were on to Target to pick up a few things...Colton was wide awake for the Target trip (usually the cart will put him to sleep, so it was exciting to watch him watch all the things passing him by!). Meme was waiting for Colton at home so we quickly got back for a quick visit with her and then settled into relaxing for the afternoon.
Colton's picture of the day is from his Daddy's desk chair at One Hour...it must have been his hard work yesterday that earned them that Best Small Business award

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