Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 33

Today was Papa Sr.'s 81st birthday, and Colton was very happy that he was able to celebrate this year with him (although he had hoped his cousin Erin would make an appearance with the tequilla shots!). In the morning, Aunt Genna stopped by on her way out of town to get one more dose (and dirty dipaer) of Colton for a couple weeks. Meme, Papa Jr., Papa Sr., and Doris all came over to our house in the afternoon to get a quick tour and say hello to a very excited Chipper before going out for a birthday lunch. Finally, mom and Colton managed to snag a quick nap before going over to Meme and Papa Jr.'s house for the official birthday dinner. Colton was wide awake for the celebration and a big hit as always.

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