Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 73

Colton woke up to a nice surprise this morning: not only was it 7AM (yes, he slept until 7AM...that partying must have worn him out), but Aunt Genna was here to play with him as she had spent the night. After playing with her, Colton was off to meet Meme and Papa to go out on the boat for the first time. He had the perfect outfit, courtesy of Aunt Erin, and loved being on the boat. Truthfully, he slept for the whole boat ride down on the bed in the cabin and even managed to hide out while Papa had a near "incident" while parking the boat, but he is looking forward to the day when he is being pulled on a tube behind the boat! After a day on the water, it was out to dinner with Mom and Dad and then home to get ready for another busy week, hopefully filled with plenty of sleeping through the night nights.

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