Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 103

Well, hot weather has returned to Virginia Beach meaning Colton is once again stuck inside. Luckily, he had a steady stream of visitors today. In the morning, Aunt Genna came over to bring him his newest outfits she had purchased for him. Can you tell we have one spoiled little baby on our hands? After she left, Colton went to the grocery store with mom and then came home to greet mom's friend, Katie, and her baby, Savannah, for a playdate. Colton did a very good job sharing his playmat with Savannah. She is two months older than Colton, and he watched in amazement at the things she was able to do: roll over, play with the toys on his mat, grab her feet. You could even see him trying to do the things she was doing. At night, Colton used his new knowledge and observations of Savannah to try out some new tricks: he rolled over from his back to stomach a few times (although now he can't seem to get back the other way!) and was grabbing at all the dangly toys on his mat and even putting them in his mouth. He must have learned a lot from Savannah today!

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