Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 164

Today was opening day of ODU football, and Colton was primed and ready for the big game and more importantly, the big tailgate! He took a long nap in the morning to ensure he would be ready to enjoy the game. Decked out in his ODU t-shirt, he seemed to really enjoy the festivities, although he couldn't quite get his hands on the yummy food. Colton started to get a little tired as kickoff drew near, but fell asleep snug in his Baby Bjorn. The parts of the game he did see he did like, and he made it almost until halftime. After leaving the game, Colton still had one more stop to make at his friend Lily's one year old birthday party. He really was a trooper all day, and mom and dad were just so excited to officially have him with them this year!

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