Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 216

Colton is 7 months old today (Wow, huh?!?). At 7 months old, here are some of his highlights:

  • Colton is officially off and crawling, managing to get into anything he wants to; one of his favorite things to crawl too, though, is mom...if she's on the floor, he's coming!

  • Colton loves his baths; as soon as he hears the water turn on, he's squirming to get there, and once he's in, he splashes nonstop

  • Colton is quite the wiggle worm. Changing him has become a real challenge as he twists, turns, and crawls all over the place

  • Cheerios and Colton are new BFFs...he shoves as many of them as possible in his mouth

  • Speaking of BFFs, Colton is totally fascinated with his brother. He tries to play with Chipper as much as possible, but Chipper is not quite interested yet

  • Colton is officially a Steelers fan. To prove it, he grabs at the emblem on jerseys, shirts, anything
  • Colton is very what his babysitters call nosey...we call it being inquisitive
  • Colton is still very much the best thing that has ever happened to his mom and dad; they couldn't be prouder or more in love with this little boy

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