Saturday, October 30, 2010

Days 219 and 220

Colton has been a busy boy this weekend. On Friday, Aunt Genna picked him up early from the babysitter and brought him by mom's school for one more visit in his hot dog costume. The first graders really loved Colton and his costume, and were particularly thrilled when he "read" them a Halloween story. After the visit, Colton was off to Meme and Papa's house to surprise Papa. After taking his nap at their house, he came home to spend the evening with Aunt Genna, while mom and dad had a much-needed date night. Saturday morning began early with a trip to the boardwalk to watch One Hour sponsoring the Wicked 10K run. Colton was a little over his hot dog costume at this point, but graciously sported it anyway. After running a couple errands, Colton rested up for the evening which was spent at Alexander's on the Bay for Papa's birthday dinner. Baby boy was fantastic durning dinner, but passed out on the way home for the evening!

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