Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 308

Colton was still not feeling good today.  In fact, today was a little worse than yesterday:(  Luckily, he seemed to be improving again by the end of the day, so we're hoping maybe one more day will finally kick this thing away!  He did get a nice surprise visit from his Aunt Debbie (obviously the Va. Beach one) who was nice enough to see if little man or mom needed anything and to come by to keep them compnay.
 Because he was not at 100%, we did not take Colton's 10 month portrait today (we will aim for tomorrow), but he is 10 months old already.  At 10 months, Colton is a ball of energy, constantly exploring and getting into mischief: the oven drawer, the refrigerator, Chipper's food, the liquor bottles, etc.  He laughs at "no," which obviously does not bode well for the future.  We have discovered a tickle spot under Colton's arms, where he giggles in delight.  Colton also loves his baths and his brother, Chipper: both bring huge smiles to his face.  Colton is an absolutely perfect baby:)

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