Thursday, June 23, 2011

Year 2, Day 87

With not such pretty weather hanging around VB this morning, Colton and mom got off to a slow start considering they really had no plans.  After his morning trip to the JCC, Colton ran a quick errand and then came home to play outside, eat some lunch, and play in his playroom.  As he was finishing, Aunt Genna showed up (she is now officially a Va. Beach resident and will be staying with us for a few days until her residence is ready).  Aunt Genna hung out with Colton (well, Colton napped for most of it) while mom went to the dentist and when she got home, he learned to watch turns out he LOVES "Blue's Clues" and was totally captivated by it. When dad got home, Colton joined everyone for Mexican and then a trip to the Skinny Dip.

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