Sunday, September 4, 2011

Year 2, Days 159 and 160

Colton has had a perfect Labor Day weekend.  On Saturday, it was time for ODU's first football game (and tailgate, of course) of the season.  Mom and dad were anxious to see how little man would handle the festivities this year.  He had a blast at the tailgate, and was very into the game....for about a quarter...and then he clearly was sick of sitting still, so it was time to leave!  Still, pretty good:)

On Sunday, he joined mom AND dad! along with the rest of the Kletz family for a beach day.  Dad ended up getting lost on the jetski for an hour or so, so Colton was at the beach a little longer than planned.  Good thing he was having such a good time playing with the dogs, sand pool, and float.  At night, he joined mom and dad for dinner at Gordon Biersch.

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