Friday, December 16, 2011

Year 2, Day 261 and 262

Colton has had a busy last couple of days.  Yesterday, Meme picked him up from school and he went back to her house for the afternoon because mom was supposed to have her doctor's appointment (mom ended up getting in a very minor accident on the way and then missed the appointment, so it has been rescheduled for Tuesday).  Oh well, Colton enjoyed himself and then met mom and dad for dinner (with Meme and Papa, of course) at Yard House.  On Friday, he started the day off with his JCC trip but then had to go get his flu shot.  When he was done, he stopped by Aunt Genna's school to bring her some lunch and to visit with her and her students.  Colton hammed it up the entire time he was there and really loved when the kids read him Green Eggs and Ham.  After his nap, he joined mom, dad, and Uncle Gregg for dinner at Wild Wing.

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