Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Year 2, Day 266

Happy Hanukkah!  After spending his morning with Meme while mom (and dad!) headed to the doctor to check in on baby Levi (who seems to be just hanging in there perfectly, although we're still hoping he decides to make his grand appearance a bit earlier than his scheduled date), Colton came home to make a marshmallow menorah and get ready for the Hanukkah party at Meme and Papa's at night.  As usual, our little boy had a blast surrounded by his aunts, uncles, friends, and lots and lots of love!  Plus, he is totally and completely spoiled rotten, receiving more presents than is necessary, especially since it's only the first night of Hanukkah and he still has all 8 to go plus Christmas!  It was neat to watch Colton get into actually opening the presents this year when last year he didn't really seem to grasp the concept!

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