Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year 2, Days 275 and 276

As Friday will be the last day that Colton and mom had for one-on-one time it was reserved for a special Colton day.  He woke up and spent some time in bed with mom (and the iPad), then took Chipper for a walk, and finally was treated to some time at the Bounce House.  Colton was a little hesitant to jump at first, but warmed up, especially when dad surprised him by stopping by during his lunch.   After his nap, he headed to Norfolk for some dinner with Meme and Papa and then to watch the ODU basketball game (his first of the season).  He really enjoyed the game, clapping at all appropriate times and sitting in his own seat like a big boy for most of it.
Saturday was a much more low key day for Colton.  He spent the morning out looking at dressers, but then came home to relax for the rest of the day.  He joined mom and dad for a quick dinner at Wild Wing before coming home to sleep his way into 2012!

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