Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 30-31, 2012

The boys have been busy taking advantage of this awesome weather in Va. Beach.  On Monday, they spent the morning running a couple errands with mom, including getting themselves some new clothes (!), before coming home to go on a walk/run.  They then spent their night with dad who was kind enough to watch them so mom could go have a ladies' night with Aunt Genna and some friends.  Today, Colton went off to school (where they said he had a really good day), while mom and Levi took care of some stuff around the house.  When Colton got home, everyone enjoyed some outdoor play time before naps.  After the naps, Colton and Levi went to Mt. Trashmore for another walk/run with mom followed by some play time for Colton.  After dinner, the boys took their first bath together...as you can tell from the picture, Colton enjoyed it a little more than Levi did!

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