Monday, January 2, 2012

Year 2, Day 278

Colton spent a lovely day with mom and dad, who was off work for the day.  He started it off by buying himself a dresser (yes, finally!) and wreaking havoc at the furniture store.  Afterwards, he had a nice lunch at Baker's Crust and then stopped by Target to stock up on newborn supplies (and some for himself and mom too!).  He came home to take his afternoon nap, and when he woke up, it was time to head to dinner at Outback.  The highlight of the day came when he got home and mom and dad surprised him with his first ever bubble bath!  They had picked up the Mr. Bubble at Target earlier.  Colton was very scared of the bubbles at first and refused to even get in the tub, but after mom and dad started playing with the bubbles, he warmed up to the idea and eventually LOVED the whole thing, as in wouldn't get out.  As usual, mom got a little camera happy, so here's tons of pictures from Colton's bath

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