Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 1, 2012

Colton started off his Tuesday at school, while Levi hung out with mom and joined her at the grocery store, where he was happy to soak up all of his attention!  After school, the boys made a quick trip to the park and then came back home to hang out for the rest of the day.  2 things of note today: 1. Levi is getting to be such a big boy...his hair is coming in quickly, he has little fat rolls, he can sit up (for very short bursts but still), 2. Colton is taking note of his brother's increasing abilities and now has decided to "play" with him...unfortunately, he doesn't seem to realize he has to be gentle with him...there was even an incident where Levi ended up out of his bouncy seat and on the floor face first while mom was in the bathroom...no tears, but a little unnerving!
PS: Thanks Aunt Debbie and Uncle Tony for our new rocker...we love it!!!  Even Levi took it for a few rocks today, but Colton definitely dominated the action!

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