Sunday, July 1, 2012

July 1, 2012

For today's Family Sunday Funday, the boys joined mom and dad at the pool for a bit.  Colton loved putting on his swim coat and going into the "deep part," while Levi seemed to really enjoy just being in the water (FINALLY!).  After taking some naps, Colton and Levi went out to get some pizza with mom and dad.  By the way, you have to look really close, but Levi is now managing to pick up his Cheerios and bring them to his mouth.  While he still struggles with actually getting them in his mouth, he sure does enjoy the way they taste if someone will help him out!  Oh, and Colton's picture is actually from a couple of days ago when Jimmy was over visiting with Gigi, but mom just uploaded it, so here it is to share!

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