Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 14-15, 2012

Our happy boys started off Saturday planning to meet mom's friend at the beach.  But their day was thrown for a major tailspin when a stop for lunch ended with mom's car being towed and the boys being stuck at the restaurant until dad and Uncle Ryan could show up with the car.  Levi handled it incredibly, while Colton was a bit more temperamental...and all were VERY happy to get out of there!  After calming down at home for the rest of the day, Colton and Levi were excited to meet Nene and Papa for dinner at Havana.  
After the excitement Saturday, the boys were eager to have a much more low-key Sunday.  They joined mom and dad for breakfast at Broken Egg in the morning and then came home to work and play in the backyard.  Later, they joined mom and dad for dinner at Max and Erma's where they were both on their best behavior.  
And for 3 Levi developments over the weekend:
1.  He now has a second tooth.  Nene spotted it first on Saturday night and it was definitely confirmed as poking through right next to his other one!
2.  When Levi is old enough to share kids meals with Colton, we will no longer have a wasted food problem!  Levi already did major work on Colton's scrambled eggs and applesauce!
3.  Levi has become quite the happy baby.  He giggles constantly (usually at Colton) and pretty much always has a smile on his sweet face.

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