Well, the last two days have certainly been a bit trying around here. Colton woke up Sunday with a fever and some pretty terrible breath, so mom took him to Patient First, convinced that he had strep throat.
The good news was that he didn't, but he did have some very "angry tonsils" and was given an antibiotic. Over the course of the day, he grew wary of his medicines, though, and eventually absolutely refused to take them, causing his fever to climb dangerously. Eventually, mom and dad came up with some tricks to get the Tylenol in him and just gave up on the antibiotic.
The next day Colton got to return to the doctor for another appointment, this time to deal with the fact that he still needed the antibiotic. Luckily, he seemed to be feeling much better and had even gone all morning without a fever (so much so that he even made a visit to his Meet the Teacher), but the doctor confirmed what he had learned yesterday: Colton has a pretty nasty case of tonsillitis. After getting his shot, he was on his way...and hopefully on the road to getting better! Levi was a good sport through this whole ordeal, and seemed to really enjoy the whole doctor's office experience (although we currently have our fingers crossed that he won't now get sick, especially after putting all kinds of junk in the "sick room" in his mouth).
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