Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July 6-8, 2014

Whew! Colton and Levi have had a very busy past few days (and unfortunately mom was not very good at documenting them in pictures...).  On Sunday, they spent some time at the JCC pool with Ry, C, and Riley while Dad was our golfing.  Colton finally mustered the courage to try the yellow slide by himself (or in actuality Uncle Ryan tricked him into doing it himself), and loved it...enough to do it again and again and again!  
On Monday, the boys went off to their first day of JCC camp for the summer.  Despite some nerves the night before, both boys were thrilled to see some familiar friends in their bunks and seemed to really enjoy their first (and second) day.  Since dad was home from work, the boys took early naps and then paid a visit to Ocean Breeze.  Per usual, the boys had such a blast, especially as both of them are getting braver and braver each time we visit.  Colton even tried...and loved...the fast green slides this time! (that's not him in the picture, but we figured a picture was necessary to show just how incredible our boy is!)
With dad's birthday on Tuesday, the boys were excited to welcome over family for cake and play time.  As evidenced by their bright red faces below, a fun time was had by all!

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