Monday, March 21, 2016

March 2016

Colton and Levi have been taking full advantage of the weather and getting outside as much as possible. They have visited a few different parks, where Colton likes to perfect his Ninja warrior skills by challenging himself to beat his personal best times in crossing monkey bars, leaping steps, etc. Levi has been busy playing dress up in just about any costume he can find. His identity changes many times throughout the day although his favorites seem to be Batman or black Power Ranger. The boys did have a couple special outings over the last few weeks: to the zoo, to a Ninja Warrior class at Ocean Tumblers (that we think they are going to sign up for regularly), and out a couple times to celebrate mom's birthday (first at Coastal Grill with the whole Kletz family and then at Melting Pot). The boys were also super excited to take advantage of the super warm weather with an afternoon of sprinklers and water guns. And of course, the boys had to make their leprechaun traps for St. Patrick's Day...they didn't manage to catch any leprechauns but they did get some goodies for their efforts!

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