Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 221

Happy Colton's first official Halloween! Although Colton was not old enough to participate in the trick-or-treating, he was excited to celebrate the day. After sleeping until 8:15 (mom was really excited!!!), Colton woke up to play with Aunt Genna for a little bit before going to breakfast with mom and dad. After errands and some more visiting, Colton was ready to come home and relax for the afternoon and evening. Meme and Papa stopped by with his treat for the day, but other than that excitement, the day was spent just hanging out, which was actually a much-needed change of pace! Colton went to bed upset he was going to have to miss the Steelers game, but hoping they could pull this one off.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Days 219 and 220

Colton has been a busy boy this weekend. On Friday, Aunt Genna picked him up early from the babysitter and brought him by mom's school for one more visit in his hot dog costume. The first graders really loved Colton and his costume, and were particularly thrilled when he "read" them a Halloween story. After the visit, Colton was off to Meme and Papa's house to surprise Papa. After taking his nap at their house, he came home to spend the evening with Aunt Genna, while mom and dad had a much-needed date night. Saturday morning began early with a trip to the boardwalk to watch One Hour sponsoring the Wicked 10K run. Colton was a little over his hot dog costume at this point, but graciously sported it anyway. After running a couple errands, Colton rested up for the evening which was spent at Alexander's on the Bay for Papa's birthday dinner. Baby boy was fantastic durning dinner, but passed out on the way home for the evening!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 218

Colton had a big, exciting day today. After spending most of it at the babysitter, mom and her friend Kristina came to pick him up and take him to run some errands. He was so excited to see Kristina there too that he spent the whole ride to the mall staring and giggling at her (what a flirt!)! After errands, he grabbed a quick dinner with the ladies before getting ready for the highlight of the evening: mom's school's Halloween party. Colton was so excited to debut his costume, and was even more excited at all the attention he attracted in it. Let's just say, he was a huge hit! When he got home, he was even more happy that Dad and his Aunt Debbie were here to see him in costume as well. Told you...big day for baby boy!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 217

Colton had a lovely day spent at the babysitter, JCC, and then out to Mexican with mom and dad. He even got to have his first taste of beans at the Mexican restaurant. In fact, his picture shows his messy reaction to those brown things:)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 216

Colton is 7 months old today (Wow, huh?!?). At 7 months old, here are some of his highlights:

  • Colton is officially off and crawling, managing to get into anything he wants to; one of his favorite things to crawl too, though, is mom...if she's on the floor, he's coming!

  • Colton loves his baths; as soon as he hears the water turn on, he's squirming to get there, and once he's in, he splashes nonstop

  • Colton is quite the wiggle worm. Changing him has become a real challenge as he twists, turns, and crawls all over the place

  • Cheerios and Colton are new BFFs...he shoves as many of them as possible in his mouth

  • Speaking of BFFs, Colton is totally fascinated with his brother. He tries to play with Chipper as much as possible, but Chipper is not quite interested yet

  • Colton is officially a Steelers fan. To prove it, he grabs at the emblem on jerseys, shirts, anything
  • Colton is very what his babysitters call nosey...we call it being inquisitive
  • Colton is still very much the best thing that has ever happened to his mom and dad; they couldn't be prouder or more in love with this little boy

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 215

Well, life is certainly different around here with a mobile baby!!! In just a few hours at home, he managed to get into the computer wires, climb the bricks, and climb into the middle of the coffee table...whew! He seemed to be having fun doing it, though! On a sadder note, Colton suffered his first rejection today at the babysitter. After triumphantly crawling his way to another little girl and tapping her foot, she burst into tears (she's going through a "phase" supposedly). Upon seeing her tears, Colton burst into them himself...enough to break mom's heart and want to take him home for the day:(, but he perservered!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 214

Well, it was a stressful Sunday, but a successful one nonetheless. Colton enjoyed his time at Meme and Papa's with Uncle Ryan and Aunt KC watching the Steelers edge out the Dolphins. He showed off his crawling skills for everyone, getting all over the place, and then came home to hang out with mom, dad, and Chipper for the night.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 213

Colton spent his entire day yesterday at the ODU football game and tailgate...once again, can we say amazing baby?!? Instead of telling you about it, he once again thought pictures would be better, so....

Friday, October 22, 2010

Days 211 and 212

Colton had a nice, but busy, end to the week. On Thursday, mom had a dentist appointment, so Colton was treated to an afternoon at Meme and Papa's house. After the appointment was over, he got to meet dad out for dinner before heading home for the evening. On Friday, Colton spent his day at the babysitter and then joined mom and dad for a dinner out at Wild Wing (its been a long time if you've been following!). Colton did a fantastic job like always, eating his Cheerios and playing with Sophie the entire time. Colton's picture today shows the sight we are now greeted to when we go to get him out of his crib in the morning: now that baby boy is officially mobile, he is starting to pull himself up in his crib to peer over the side.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 210

Well, Colton is officially off and crawling. He still gets a little frustrated that he cannot get to where he wants to as quickly as he needs to, but otherwise he is cruising. The babysitters even commented that he is now starting to get to the other children and pull their hair and clothes...oops!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 209

Colton had another busy, exciting day. After spending his day at the babysitter's house (where they let him try real bananas), Colton made a quick trip to the grocery store. When he got home, he took Chipper for a walk and then came home to eat and play with his new favorite toy, his shoe and shoelaces!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 208

Colton had a lovely Monday at the babysitter's house, the JCC, and then home with mom and dad. He continues to progress with his crawling, now obviously getting forward, although there is still some scooting involved! Colton looked particularly handsome today in his new fall clothes...just take a peek!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 207

Further proof that we have the best baby in the entire world? Colton managed to make it through 6 hours of football today, and aside from taking a couple cat naps, was perfectly happy and playful the entire time. Obviously the return of Big Ben and the Steeler victory helped to fuel Colton's good mood, but all of the attention and love seemed to help as well, as he loved every second of his football Sunday.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 206

Colton had a perfect fall Saturday today! He awoke happy to find Dad was back home and ready to play. After a morning spent honing his crawling, sitting up, and screaming skills, Colton was off to the pumpkin patch to get pumpkins for his first Halloween. There was a lot there that Colton couldn't quite do yet, but he is most definitely looking forward to the petting zoo, hayride, and pony rides next year (or mom is)! After the pumpkin patch, Colton went out to lunch with mom and dad, where he delighted the entire restaurant with his screaming. Afterwards, it was back home to rest up for a night out to dinner with Uncle Jordan and Aunt Stephanie.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 205

With Dad's flight not scheduled to get in until late tonight, Mom and Colton decided to have a little shopping spree after work/babysitting. The night turned into a shopping excursion mostly for Colton, who did desperately need some fall spiffiness. The most exciting part was Colton getting his first pair of real shoes; he even had to get his feet measured by the nice lady, and walked out (well, got rolled out) with his first pair of Keds! (Mom was so excited) When Colton and mom got home, Colton decided to show off his developing locomotive skills. While we still can't say he is "crawling," per se, he is able to push and scoot his way forward now, and is thisclose to crawling.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 204

Colton had a nice surprise today...Meme came to the babysitter's house to pick him up and let him spend the day with her instead of at the babysitter's. After playing with Meme (and Papa some), Colton picked mom up to got out to dinner with everyone. He showed off by sitting like a big boy in his high chair and attempting to pick up bread pieces for the whole's amazing how entertaining that was for mom, Meme, and Papa!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 203

Colton had a pretty typical day, but was sad to come home and learn that dad was out of town for a couple of days (mom had known for quite some time that it was coming, but kept it a secret from Colton so as not to prematurely upset him!). He trooped through the night, though, even with Chipper repeatedly stealing his Cheerios from his tray, and kept mom company until hitting the sack.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Days 201 and 202

Colton was lucky enough to spend his Monday at home with his dad. The babysitter was closed for Columbus Day, and mom had parent-teacher conferences to attend to all day, so Colton and dad got to spend the day lounging around the house recovering from Uncle Jordan's wedding (mom was very jealous). Today, though, it was back to business as normal with Colton spending his day at the babysitter, followed by a quick trip to the JCC, and then home for dinner, a bath, and a little bit of playtime. Colton is really enjoying his bath time these days, delighting at all the splashes he can make!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 200!

Today was 10-10-10, and therefore, Uncle Jordan and Aunt Stephanie's long-awaited wedding day. Colton was very happy to get all spiffed up and join in the festivities. Instead of trying to explain to you all the fun he had, he figured he would just show it to you in pictures:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Days 198 and 199

Whew! Colton has been one busy boy, well, actually, he has been one very tolerant little boy. Mom and dad have been busy this weekend with Uncle Jordan's pre-wedding festivities. With mom and dad busy, Colton had to keep himself busy for most of the day, but he was a good sport about it. Luckily, his Aunt Debbie (the VB one) came over to help mom out, and the party went on without a hitch. Colton started off the party playing with everyone, but with bedtime come and gone, he got changed into his pj's to wind down for the night. When he hit his crib, he was fast asleep within seconds!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Days 196 and 197

Mom has been super busy with school stuff and getting ready for Uncle Jordan's rehearsal dinner this weekend, so she apologizes for the lack of a picture yesterday (and the issues with the one from the day before, which hopefully are resolved now). Colton has been a fantastic, happy baby the last couple of days, as usual! He has enjoyed his time at the babysitter, but more so his time at home with mom, dad, and Chipper. Today, Colton and Chipper laid on the bed smashing their faces together and was super cute!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 195

Colton was so thankful Meme had surprised with a warm, cuddly jacket yesterday because, boy was it cold outside this morning. Colton bundled up and headed off to the babysitter's house. He had a good day there and then came home to take Chipper on a walk with mom. After dinner, Colton played with mom and dad before going off to bed.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 194

With cooler temperatures finally arriving, Colton was super excited to sport his new fall clothes today! The babysitter reported he was particularly joyful today; he must have gotten his fussiness out of his system the day before! Today, Colton seemed really eager to show off his new vocal talent: screaching.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 193

Today was a rough day for Colton: he woke up at 6AM, was fussy all day, and watched his first Steelers loss (which maybe explains some of the fussiness). Mom explained to him that 3-1 without Ben is still pretty darn good, but he did take the loss a little hard. He did enjoy having Meme and Papa over to watch the game and play with him and his brother, bu tjust wishes those darn Steelers would have held off that last minute touchdown.

PS: I don't know what is up with mom's eye in the picture...she certainly did not have a black eye!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 192

Colton spent his Saturday morning playing with the family. He had to take his nap early to get ready for the big ODU football game. As always, he was the star of the tailgate, hanging out in Aunt KC's car, eating the football, and sitting up tall for everyone to see. While there, Mom even discovered that his top two front teeth have broken through!!! Colton enjoyed the actual football game, too, although he got tired right around halftime and decided to call it a night.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 191

Colton was so happy to make it to Friday, especially when the tv greeted him with the news that Norfolk Public Schools was under a one-hour delay (a nice conselation prize from the day before, I guess), so Colton got to spend a little more time with mom before heading to the babysitter's house. After a day spent there, Colton was happy to join mom and dad the Outback for a nice dinner out. He is such a big boy; he sat in the real high chair while out to dinner, and seemed to really enjoy it! Dinner out really wore little man out. He was asleep by the time the car pulled in the driveway and slept right through his diaper/pj change!